
april 18, 2024

acrylic ink dip pen/fineliner drawing on wood

10cm x 10cm

from the theme The road The weed The stones

 'The praying mantis demands accountability'

0ctober 22, 2022

acrylic paint/acrylic ink dip-pen drawing  on paper 65cm x 50cm

from the theme The road The weed The stones

- The gate to the Garden of Eden -

march 12, 2021

Fineliner and brushmarkers on cardboard  - 70cm x 45 cm

nov. 6 2020 - 297mm x 210mm - fineliner

June 16, 2020 - 29,7 cm x 21 cm - fineliner

May 14, 2020 - 70 cm x 50 cm - fineliner

may 7, 2020, fineliner - 29,7cm x 21cm

jan. 30, 2017  148mm x 200mm - dip pen

febr. 27, 2017  148mmx210mm - dip pen

oct 17, 2016  148mmx210mm - dip pen

march 29, 2017    70cm x 100cm - dip pen

june 18, 2016   297mm x 420mm - dip pen

march 18, 2016  297mm x 420mm - dip pen

may 7, 2015   297mm x 420mm - dip pen

june 21, 2015   297mm x 420mm - dip pen

june 4, 2016    420mm x 148mm - dip pen

may 14, 2016    420mm x 148mm - dip pen

januari 26, 2018   675mm x 300mm -dip pen

pendrawings /pentekeningen, indian ink